Here's the chicken fried steak cooking. You will notice that we do not use a deep fryer for this. That doesn't give a flaky crust, which is absolutley essential for chicken fried steak. This is why most restaurant cfs is grim.

Next is the making of the gravy to put on top of the steak AND french fries Oh yes, it's just that good.

If this were my last meal on earth, it would be pretty much like it was the other night. Chicken fried steak, french fries, gravy and canned baby peas cooked until really soft. We've had this meal my entire life, and I just love it. It's the meal I look forward to most when I come home. Here's the finished plate:

I am sure it looks a bit heavy duty, but oh man, it's so good.
Then, we made fudge. Here's a bunch of pictures of that...

Phew. Good times. The fudge was some of the best we made. Recipe? Courtesy of...

Anyway, got to get back to making Christmas dinner. It's been a great Christmas here, I just can't get over how warm it is here. Global warming at it's nastiest because it is really nice to be able to go outside and feel the sun on your face and have a light jacket on, but you know the cost for this 'comfort' is ridiculously high. I worry for the planet.
I hope everyone has a great day, whatever religion you are or are not. Dinner photos to follow.