When I was home over Christmas, we went to this Mexican restaurant Abuelo's. The food there is massive! Honestly, it is served on turkey platters, but it's actually really nice and the restaurant is fancy pantsy inside. I had some sort of a combo platter with lots of stuff... don't believe me about the turkey platter? See for yerself, doubter!
But please, don't fear for one second that the turkey plate bested me... oh no...
Anyway, the great thing about Abuelo's is that all their food doesn't taste alike, which is hard to do at Mexican restaurants. The big thing in the middle is a brisket-y burrito, really mild in flavour, but the queso on top kicks it up. G always has to get sides of guac to go with everything...so it makes it nice, as well. I had a cheese rellenos, I believe, as well. Anyway, whatever, beany cheesey meaty carby goodness. Run don't walk, it's just that good.