It was really tasty. I ate about half the second half and then had to throw in the towel! I was bested by the gigantic sandwich!!!
Here's the place...

From there, we went to the farmer's market across the street. We bought some chicken from the farm. Oh yeah. The guy was really nice, off in the corner. All of his chicken is usually gone by the time we get there, but this time, chicken was ours!!! Look at it all...

I asked if I could take pictures, and he was so gracious... so here's his sign...

I have to confess, the chicken was not expensive. Two breasts and 4 thighs was about $10. For organic grain fed roams when the weather permits, but not caged meat... all good.
Around the corner, we found some local potatoes. I am making a repeat of my Easter potato dish... wanted some Ontario potatoes to go with. G says that I am a pain in the you know what about buying local produce and meat now, that I have become evangelical about it, but whatever. I really want to do my part to help the environment, and I believe that the things we can control, we should. Whatever. The farm we went to had the goods.

We went back into the proper part of the St. Lawrence Market, bought a roast, tasted some cheese and hams, bought some scarmoza and halloumi cheeses, and then as we parted, I took a shot of the market...

From there, the eco shopping trip continued with a short drive (it was raining so no bikes) to the Big Carrot. We bought some odds and ends, but I took a picture of the outside because it's just so pretty...

Anyway... our friend just buzzed up, we're making dinner for her and her new baby... It should be good times... Pictures will follow, don't you worry about that!