I've not been to many weddings. I find them so interesting, I don't know how the bride and groom and their family's don't cry through the whole thing.
Well, I was very excited to be invited to my friend's J's wedding. J is one of the people I have met since moving to Toronto and I truly value her friendship. As often happens, I don't see her as much as I would like, but we always seem to meet over a great meal and have great conversation. As her and her now husband (also J) are both very into food, I knew the wedding menu was going to be amazing! So what better way to celebrate a couple's true love then in a beautiful Canadian art gallery with good food, a lovely set of family's, and great friends.
But wait, let's talk about the food....that's what this blogs all about....
First up was the beautiful ceremony. Fighting off the oncoming storm, we sat a top a little hill and watched J and J exchange vows. It was absolutely beautiful, and it started sprinkling right when the ceremony ended...excellent timing!
We went to the gallery and had an assortment of starters along with champagne and wine. The starters were wonderful, but no photos because it was too complicated...but let me give you a description of them...
There was an amazing crostini topped with an eggplant pate, feta cheese and very small slivers of strawberry. Delish!!! Then there was a lovely fried shrimp with a pineapple/mango (I think) sauce. It was a bit thick and wouldn't really go on the shrimp so I didn't get to taste it! Tere was a fried shredded sweet potato pancake that had a cinnamony flavour and was topped with creme fraiche and a candied pecan. Grilled lamb chops came by with their own G-d given handles which made for easy nibbling (it's too bad the bones aren't edible, because you end up standing around with bones like an idiot...). Then we move into my top two aps... oh yeah... the mini sliders with carmelized onions. They tasted like pork, had a very coarse consistency and were on the absolute lightest egg buns ever. Truly amazing. Then the piece de resistance... Tortilla spoons (baked not fried) with a dollop of mac n cheese on the end of each spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There truly aren't enough exclamation points to mark how fantastic that one was!!!!!!
Yeah, so I probably ate a few too many of them. I don't drink alot so no one ever gets their money worth out of me at an open bar, but I can put some major damage to appetizers.
We then sat down and listened to wonderful speeches and stories, had wonderful conversation with our tablemates, and just really enjoyed the moment.
But then our main courses came. And my job dropped.
I couldn't remember what I had ordered, only that it was beef. And oh yeah, beef was what was for dinner!

Mash, asparagus, sauce, lovely. I ate very bite including all of the jus. It was superb.
There was also a fish served.

The woman sitting next to G had the fish (I believe it was sea bass) and said it was lovely. But honestly, I could not get get over how amazing the beef was. And from the looks of all the empty plates being sent back to the kitchen, I believe I wasn't the only one who felt that way!
After a few more speeches, and a few tears, the aiter staff brought out a little dessert tray.

This held white and milk chocolate truffles, and skewered berries drizzled with chocolate sauce.
But that wasn't the end of it, oh no. There was an entire dessert buffet filled with fruit, cakes, and pastries. I had one chocolate cake on a stick and could have eaten every one of them had I not been so crazily full that there was no where for that cake to go!
Phew! What an amazing evening! The bride was BEAUTIFUL, the groom was elated, the family's were bursting with pride because both bride and groom were amazingly beautiful and so in love with one another. The food was certainly not the most important thing in that room that night, love and life was. I was so glad to share it with my friends.