As you may know, gentle reader, I am a fan of the combo plate. I like having different tastes all on one plate, so I can try a variety of things on the menu at one time. I blame this love that shall not be named on the Tour of Italy at the Olive Garden that rocked my youth. It was the ultimate combo plate, and back in the day, it was my hands-down favorite.
Abuelo's is one of those places that doesn't disappoint. The food is always solid. This year, I went for a smaller combo platter, the Sonora...

It's positively petite!!!!!!! This lovely combo was a shredded beef burrito covered in chile con queso, a tamale, a cheese enchilada, beans, and papas con chile. Yum. The tamale was not as good as the ladies who make them in the back of the store in Toronto, but it was pretty good. The burrito was filling, the beans and potatoes where creamy and mild.
I really enjoy going here, and my family likes it as well. It's a win-win. My brother ate the steak with enchiladas and I tried a bite of his steak... oh my goodness, it was crazy flavourful. If you are in Tulsa and looking for reliable tex-mex, this is the place for you.