It all started a couple of weeks ago... we went to dinner at a friend's house and were told that dinner was to be raclette. I expected fondu of some sort, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was in fact a bit like fondu and a bit like Korean bbq. And a ton o' fun!
When we started, it looked a little something like this...

When we finished...not so sparkly...

Our hosts set us up with lots of different meats, two kinds of marinated beef, two kinds of marinated chicken, two different shrimps, roasted peppers, asparagus, hummus, carmelized onions, bruschetta mix, olives, and lots of cheese... I am not certain if raclette is a certain type of cheese, or if it's just a way of doing cheese (though I did read that tradtional raclette is with boiled potatoes---not on the diet!). I am sure you can do it with any cheese provided that it's a good melting cheese because the oozey cheesiness is really one of the best parts.
But with this type of raclette, it's not all about the cheese. Oh no...
First we cooked some meat...

Lots of meat... cooking it up...

While the meat cooks, you start gathering all the fixings in your little shovel with some cheese to put under the grill...

And my plate of fixin's was a thing of beauty...

It takes a long time to prepare and eat all this glorious food, and the whole time you can just chat and laugh and talk about your favourite flavour combinations!
We loved it so much, we borrowed our friend's raclette and had it at our house with some visiting friends this past weekend... posts on that to follow...