As I've discussed here and there, I had some health scares earlier this year, and had a round of meetings with a cardiologist and lots of discussions on what could happen based on what's happening now. Let me say straight away, I am beyond blessed. Nothing's terribly wrong now. I had pericarditis, which has healed and has left no lasting damage. But the tests were concerning, and with the long history of cardiac issues in my family, I was on the alert.
The cardiologist did some carotid artery testing, and it showed more blockage than is suitable for someone my age, and my doctor said that I was going to need medication. I asked if it might be possible to control this by diet and to lose weight. He said yes, if I was willing to make the changes necessary.
So I did. Big changes. I am really proud of myself, I weigh less now than I have throughout my 30's! I think I last saw this weight in my early 20's. I haven't made any changes that have drastically altered my life and I don't plan out every single meal. So what has worked? Three things, and I am telling you in the hopes that maybe it will help you too.
#1 -- The End of Overeating by David Kessler. BRILLIANT. You must must must read this book if you have problems with your weight and overeating. I have struggled with my fast food cravings my entire life. I have convinced myself over and over that I can eat fast food, that I just need to do it in moderation. Dr. Kessler says that if you respond to food in a certain way, then there is no moderation. Moderation doesn't exist. There is do or do not, and I have decided to do not. It's become the end of my relationship with fast food, ad while I am sad to part ways with some of the most reliable friends I've ever had in mu life, I have. This issue alone was worth reading this book, but I recommend that everyone with food issues read this book.
#2 -- Wii's EA Sports Active. DOUBLY BRILLIANT! If you work without weights and stuff, this is probably not helpful to you at all, but for a girl like me, having my "trainer" make me do lunges and squats and whatnot has been amazing. I have really noticed a HUGE change in my body, more so then anything else I have ever tried, and I have done cardio all my life. I can't wait for the expansion pack later in November. I am sure there are better workouts out there, but I can do this in my living room, it's motivating, it's fun, and it kicks my butt most mornings. I am now altering doing this with some treadmill time, but it's still getting me out there and doing it, and that's golden.
#3 -- Weight Watchers Online. AMAZING! I did this before a few years ago, but now, it's just worked. I don't know if it's seeing my own arteries clogged and yucky or what, but I have really made a point to keep track of what I eat and how much I work out, and it's been great watching the weight come off. The new Momentum plan is great, and I utilize all the little aspects of doing it. I am bummed no end that I haven't gotten a Hungry plush doll since I didn't join the traditional method and I don't go to meetings, but having lost 20 pounds is a pretty good payoff. Two more to go and then we'll see. I never thought I would get to this weight again. Ain't nothin gonna break my stride.... oh no...
So there it is. We've been eating at home a ton more as a result of the diet, and it's all been great. I'm happy to share this with you (despite not wanting to make this a diet blog) because I am just really proud of myself, and for dealing with something that has been a lifelong struggle for me... And sometimes when you have good news, you just have to share it. SO GO ME!

Taking a pic of myself in order to see if the skirt looked okay. New clothes in smaller sizes are still strange... It seems the more weight I lose the more curvy I look!!!
You look fantastic! Well done. If only I was single. Oh wait...
This is amazing! Congratulations! Fundamentally changing one's lifestyle while maintaining a busy career couldn't be more difficult these days. That took serious discipline.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
Thanks guys!!! I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement!!! :)
You rock!!
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