Fortunately, they are good sports. Unfortunately, P had to work the entire time we were there. We still managed to fit in a trip to the movies to see The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and also had a lovely dinner at Beckta. But during the day, M played tour guide and took us on a beautiful walk in Gatineau Park.

After that icey walk, we went for a BIG breakfast at the Empire Grill in the Market area.
I had steak and eggs...

M had the Empire Breakfast... which I didn't get a photo of...
And G had the breakfast poutine. G had a lot of poutine that weekend!

It was basically home fries topped with bacon, eggs, cheese and hollandaise sauce. Heavens!
However, when we got to Ottawa, P treated us to a specialty item she had picked up...

What are mini truffle peaches? Well they taste like heavily truffled olives. The smell of the oil they were packaged in was just so musky that it was hard to sit right next to it!!!

They were delicious, though, but something you could only eat in the most serious of moderation. But that being said, I do have to confess that I am not a huge fan of truffle. It's very overpowering. I am sure with a very light touch, it would add amazing things to food, and these peaches-that-tasted-like-olives had just the slightest taste of truffle, but an overwhelming smell! Thank goodness for bubbly to wash it all down!
A great time was had by all. Well, I suppose I shouldn't speak for P and M, but a great time was had by G and I. Dinner at Beckta was really nice, but I didn't take any photos. It was a quiet night and I just wanted to sit back and relax and enjoy dinner. Now to be honest, the only thing I really remember about the meal (besides the astronomic cost) was the disappointing (and frankly gross) starter of fried ravioli and the HEAVENLY smore I had for dessert. Please sir, can I have s'more? Actually, I may have taken a picture of that smore on my phone, and if so, I will post later. But the restaurant is nice and the food was decent. I probably would have to say that I enjoyed the overall experience at Benitz Bistro more, but I have been really surprised by how cozy the restaurants in Ottawa are overall. It's quite enjoyable!
We took the train to and fro, and on the way home, we stopped at this sandwich place that specializes in Montreal Bagels (WAYYYYYY TO GO) called Kettleman's. WOWIE.

This was my delicious chicken breast toasted bagel sandwich.

was G's HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK montreal smoked meat sandwich. It was probably one of the most delicious sandwiches EVER and the next time we are in Ottawa, I am going to have one ALL TO MYSELF. G was gracious and gave me two big bites of hers. (I didn't share my chicken one!)
Ottawa is a great city and I'd love to live there. It's so beautiful and calm and green. Well, it would have been green had it not been absolutely POUNDED by snow while we were there. If you haven't been, you should go. Who knows, P and M might let you stay with them, too!
(I don't know why I am all about the all CAPS tonight. Must be the migraine medicine kicking in!)
1 comment:
Next time check out The Ottawa Bagel Shop on Wellington; Petit Bill's just down the street does Newfoundland gourmet like lobster poutine. The bakery in Old Chelsea in Gatineau Park is absolutely fantastic. Actually, go there first!
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