ANYWAY... enough of that crap.
Today, G and I had to vacate the premises so that someone could fall in love with our condo and offer us a bazillion dollars cash for it. We hadn't eaten and had spent all morning making our home perfect, so we decided to treat ourselves. Little did we know the major treat that was in store for us!!!!
Oh yes, my son. Off to Ronscevalles to eat some Polish food! Yippie!
And the Polish Platter for Two was the way to go. And there it is! Two schnitzels, four potato pancakes, TEN pierogies, two cabbage rolls, and a BUNCH of salads....
Oh yeaaashhhh.... beets, cole slaw and pickles.
Aren't those pics great? Ha ha, they are from my silly phone. I just can't seem to take a good photo with it. I am lame.
But whatever... Chopin Restaurant is a winner, at least in my book. I am not saying that it's everybody's cup of tea, or that it's the best or most authentic necessarily because honestly, I have no idea. BUT, I will say that it was super duper great to have a nice meal and a relaxing moment amidst the chaos of getting our home ready for sale.