12 January 2009

What's Your Sick Day Food?

It's been a crazy few days for me, mostly due to the complete blur they have passed in. I would imagine that out of the past 48 hours, I have been awake for a whopping 5 or so of those hours, an hour and a half of which were spent at the walk-in clinic being told that I feel crappy because I have such a high temperature.

Wow. A revelation.

If I think about it, I have probably been coming down with this cold/flu combo since Wednesday. On the plane to Calgary, I felt really sore and uncomfortable. Not well at all. By Thursday, I had a wicked headache that I credited as a bad migraine. Friday, the headache was a dull roar but I was shivering hot and cold and feeling terrible. When I got home, I took my temperature and watched it go up as the weekend went on.

Today is the first day that I haven't slept all day. I still have a bit of a fever and I was able to do some work from home and just lay about. After my lack of eating (which, might I add, never happens to me), I finally felt a little stab of hunger today and decided to try and work my way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen for a little food prep.

Alas. What's a girl to eat? There's the combination of my being sick and not feeling like eating anything and being on the South Beach Diet as we lead into the final days before vacation... hmmm...

And then inspiration struck. HUEVOS!!!

And it was amazing. Really really really good. And simple. And fast. And finished in enough time so that I didn't pass out from standing up for so long...

Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros (or some facsimile thereof)

Take a couple of spoonfuls of your every day canned (drained and rinsed) black beans and put them in a small skillet. Add a couple of spoonfuls of salsa. Turn on a medium burner and let the really salsa-y taste cook off. While cooking mash just a few of the beans with the back of the spoon. After a bit (maybe 7 minutes) crack two eggs into the pan and turn the heat down and cover with a lid. Cook for 3 minutes. Then lift the lid and grate on some cheese (I used a five year old lovely cheddar) and then put the lid back on for another minute or so. Slide into a bowl and dig in.

I will say that this was quite the meal for a girl who's eaten very little for four days.

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